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2025 Age Pension in Australia: Key Information on Eligibility, Assets Test, and Payment Rates

Australia’s Age Pension provides essential financial support to seniors who meet certain eligibility criteria. This guide aims to clarify the eligibility requirements, the assets test, and the payment structure for the Age Pension. Additionally, we will highlight the Age Pension Calculator provided by Centrelink, which helps individuals estimate their pension entitlements based on various factors such as income and assets.

2025 Age Pension in Australia: Key Information on Eligibility, Assets Test, and Payment Rates

1. Eligibility for Age Pension

To qualify for the Age Pension in Australia, individuals must meet several key eligibility criteria:

  • Age Requirement: You must be of Age Pension age, which is gradually increasing and currently set at 66 years for those born between 1952 and 1954. By 2024, this will rise to 67 years.
  • Residency Requirement: Applicants must have been living in Australia for at least 10 years.
  • Income Test: The income test determines the amount of pension a person can receive. If you exceed certain income thresholds, your pension may be reduced or eliminated.
  • Assets Test: The assets test is also a determining factor in pension eligibility. Below is a table outlining the asset limits for various circumstances, which helps determine whether you are eligible for the full pension, part pension, or if you are ineligible due to exceeding asset thresholds.

2. Age Pension Calculator: Estimating Your Benefits

Centrelink offers an Age Pension Calculator to help you estimate your entitlements based on your assets and income. This calculator considers factors such as:

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  • Asset values (including your home and other properties).
  • Your income, including employment or other government payments.
  • The number of people in your household.

Below is a table showing the asset limits for different circumstances. It helps you understand the thresholds that determine the full, part, or no pension entitlement.

CircumstancesHomeownerFull PensionPart PensionNo Pension if Assets Exceed
SingleYes$314,000$314,000 – $695,000$695,500
SingleNo$566,000$566,000 – $947,500$947,500
CoupleYes$470,000$470,000 – $1,045,500$1,045,500
CoupleNo$722,000$722,000 – $1,297,500$1,297,500
One Partner EligibleYes$470,000$470,000 – $1,045,500$1,045,500
One Partner EligibleNo$722,000$722,000 – $1,297,500$1,297,500
Illness-Separated CoupleYes$470,000$470,000 – $1,233,000$1,233,000
Illness-Separated CoupleNo$722,000$722,000 – $1,485,000$1,485,000

3. Updated Age Pension Payment Amounts

The Age Pension payment amount is subject to regular increases. The government periodically adjusts the pension rates to keep up with inflation and the cost of living. Below is a comparison of the previous and current pension rates:

Family SituationPrevious AmountIncreased AmountTotal Increase

4. Understanding the Payment Breakdown

The Age Pension is typically paid on a fortnightly basis and can vary depending on factors such as:

  • Income: If your income exceeds certain thresholds, your pension will be reduced accordingly.
  • Assets: As shown in the table above, assets beyond the specified limits can also reduce or eliminate your pension payments.

The increased payment amounts help ensure that pensioners have a reasonable standard of living despite rising living costs.

5. Additional Considerations

Aside from the eligibility criteria and payment calculations, there are other factors to consider when applying for the Age Pension:

  • Pension Supplement: Additional payments may be available to assist with costs like utilities and medical expenses.
  • Pension Loans Scheme (PLS): If your assets are too high to qualify for the Age Pension, the Pension Loans Scheme may allow you to access a loan to supplement your income.

It is crucial to stay informed about any changes to pension rates and eligibility requirements, as these can impact your financial situation.


The Age Pension in Australia is an essential support for seniors, ensuring financial stability in retirement. By using tools like the Age Pension Calculator and understanding the assets test and payment amounts, pensioners can estimate their entitlements and plan for their future. Regular updates to pension amounts are designed to keep pace with inflation, ensuring that seniors continue to receive the support they need. Be sure to check your eligibility and update your details regularly with Centrelink to ensure you’re receiving the maximum support available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I check if I qualify for the Age Pension?

A1: You can use the Age Pension Calculator provided by Centrelink to determine your eligibility based on your assets, income, and family situation. You can also contact Centrelink directly for a more detailed assessment.

Q2: What factors affect the Age Pension payment amount?

A2: The pension amount is determined by several factors, including your income, assets, whether you are a homeowner, and your relationship status (single or couple).

Q3: What is the Pension Loans Scheme (PLS)?

A3: The Pension Loans Scheme is a government initiative that allows seniors with assets above the eligibility threshold to access a loan to top up their income, essentially borrowing against the value of their home.

Q4: How often are Age Pension rates adjusted?

A4: The Age Pension rates are generally adjusted twice a year, in March and September, to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Male Total Average Weekly Earnings.

Q5: Can the Age Pension be combined with other government benefits?

A5: Yes, the Age Pension can be combined with other government benefits, such as the Pension Supplement, which helps with costs like utilities, and the Energy Supplement, which assists with energy bills.

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